Attendance: M. Turner, A. Caldwell, M. Wing, D. Cooke, J. Farmer, F. Pannell, E. Gschwendtner
- New GUI Implementation:
- The new GUI with background subtraction has been completed and deployed in the control room.
- The energy error in the previous system has now been fixed.
- Magnet GUI Update:
- The Magnet GUI has been upgraded to handle correlated beams as well.
- ICT Measurements
- ICT measurements have been performed on cameras 5-7.
- To Do: F. Pannell will present the analysis of these measurements in one of the next meetings.
- CLEAR Data Analysis
- To Do: F. Pannell to present CLEAR data analysis in an upcoming meeting.
- OSR Emittance Simulations
- D. Cooke has shared the spectrometer design with the group from Liverpool for OSR emittance simulations.
- To do: M. Turner to ask for status update.
- New Spectrometer Design
- The new spectrometer design is in progress:
- Doublet length: Approximately 18 meters.
- Triplet length: Approximately 25 meters.
- Both configurations should fit within the available facility space (around 60 meters).
- To Do: Investigate magnifications.
- E. Gschwendtner emphasized the need to provide information to SY-EPC on the required power converters soon.
- Decision: A mini-review will be held at the beginning of November, followed by a presentation at the next technical board meeting.
Presentation by F. Pannell
- To do: F. Pannell and D. Cooke to do the charge calibration for the new cameras based on the old camera
- To do: F. Pannell to prepare summary on CLEAR and calibration results for the next TB.
- To do: F. Pannell and D. Cooke to check on which camera the spectrometer is imaging in x and y.
- To do: F. Pannell to use the BG subtraction method from D. Cooke also for emittance analysis.
Presentation by J. Farmer:
- Emittance will grow until new matching condition is reached.
- Simulations predict significant emittance growth due to plasma filament at the plasma exit. Need to be checked with a real proton bunch.
- A. Caldwell mentions the use of plasma mirrors to couple in the laser pulse
- M. Turner cautions that the needed energy per pulse may be too high, one should do the calculation/estimate.