abase = HCalDigi()
abase.parameter = 2
a1 = abase.clone()
a1.InputCollection = "HCalBarrel"
a2 = abase.clone()
a2.InputCollection = "HCalEndcap"
We don't want users to have to do this
for key, value in parDict.items():
setattr(a1.key, value)
- Writing proceedings for Key4hep for ICHEP
- Sarted porting PandoraPFA algorithm
- Contributing to Feasiblity study software note with Pandora Integration description
- Uploaded ACAT 2024 draft to documents folder, until end of this week
- cdash v 2.6.0 is gone, long live cdash v3
- Julia JetAlgo final touches for CHEP
- ALICE RootRustReader cannot read podio
- More k4fwcore PRs : ovverride final virtual cleanup
- IOSvc annd MetadataSvc PythonWrappers are growing instead of fixing the C++ parts
- Julia Scheduling project with more tests and fixes for concurrency
- Always writing to the same Store for all events
- Removed limit for concurrent events
- PR for Dagger, assign names to algorithms also in visualisation
- Abstract for JuliaHep workshop
- Alma9 Desktop
- Acat 2022 revision with fixed citations
- Triple Gauge Coupling miniDSTs do not exist on the grid
- miniDSTs cannot be converted to EDM4hep because of missing PID collections in some events
- MarlinKinfit works outside of Marlin, or write GaudiAlgorithm
- CLDConfig: no more DST output for EDM4hep
- Cannot promote subset to full collections
- CLD_o2_v07 added tracking region
- LumiCal overlap need to be fixed
- Reading about SMEFT fits to do instead of the other extract of triple gauge couplings
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