Key4hep Discussion

32/S-C22 (CERN)



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CERN Key4hep Discussion

Attendees: Katerina, Giulia, Mateusz, Leonhard, Swathi

Apologies: Andre, Juan Miguel

Date: August 27, 2024

## News

## Round The Table

### Giulia

* Run ConformalTracking in debug mode to look for missing hits
* After one hit goes missing other hits further out in radius are also missing

### Katerina

* Tried to do DDCaloDigi validation for ILD but they do not use it anymore
* Split DDCaloDigi into Ecal and Hcal but Andre had even more ideas (ScintillatorDigi)

### Swathi

* Talked with Thomas about ILD calo digi
* Writing and writing and more writing
    * Poster proceeding finished
    * Key4hep proceeding and feasibility study ongoing

### Mateusz

- Julia framework prototype, cleanup
- More logs
- PRs merged in dagger, edm4hep, k4fwcore
- Learning Julia precompilation
- Now working on fixing metadata service and handle
- Tomorrow? maybe? Meeting with Attila (ATLAS) to discuss the heterogenous frameworks work

### Andre

* On vacation

### Leonhard

* More analysis work
* Planned meeting with muon collider people for tracking
* Had ECFA ECR stragety kick-off meeting

## AOB

### ECFA H/E/T

## Summerstudents

* Dates:
    * Katerina Kostova: 01/07 to 27/09
    * Giulia Gianoli: 01/07 to 27/09

## Next Meeting

September 10, 2024


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:55
      Round The Table 55m
      Speakers: Andre Sailer (CERN), Benedikt Hegner (CERN), Carsten Hensel (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR)), Juan Miguel Carceller (CERN), Leonhard Reichenbach (University of Bonn (DE)), Mateusz Jakub Fila (CERN), Swathi Sasikumar (CERN)