Key4hep Discussion
CERN Key4hep Discussion
Attendees: Benedikt, Giulia, Katerina, Swathi, Juan, Mateusz, Andre, Leonhard
Date: September 24
## News
* October 1, CERN 70 Event, strongly consider teleworking
## Round The Table
### Giulia
* Writing the report
### Katerina
* Writing the report
### Swathi
* Submitted Pandora contribution to FCC Feasibility Study report software note
* Proceedings for ICHEP being finalised
* Paper:
### Juan
* Deployed build with gcc14
* Add option for choosing compiler gcc11 or gcc14
* Werror warning about "dangling" reference coming from gcc14 coming out of dd4hep
* false positive?
* Build issue of yesterday: root libraries were put in lib/ROOT, on lxplus ROOT from /usr/lib was picked up
* Forced cmake_install_libdir to lib instead of lib64 ever
* Overlay algorithm merged
* FCC software note: wrote some contributions.
### Mateusz
* "cppyy is not working with [complete] c++20 [syntax]"
* podio: cannot compare versions in python because of this, `<=>` (read "spaceship operator") not supported
* aggregation constructor also not supported (bug in ROOT)
* JuliaFwk
* added separation between mockup and scheduling
* Graph should support any kind of algo, not just mockup
* Running with fork of project
* Key4hep
* added ruff config for various projects
* fwCore and podio-interfaces and IO for GaudiAlgs
* Collection of interface types would be supported
* Preparing preparation for JuliaHep
* Rehearsal: Friday at 14:00
### Andre
### Leonhard
* 100 ILD dst files with relevant W channel and making plots
* Reweighting with Whizard
* Discussed template fit with, sufficient statistics available?
* Consistent treatment of 4-vectors?
* Neutral hadrons have zero mass at creation time
* Leads to wrong jet estimates for the angle
* add back all final state radiation photons leads to wrong conclusions about momentum
* Selvaggi and Perez wrote note about Brems recovery (in new CDS)
### Benedikt
* podio PR reviewing
* parquet backend for podio to make speed comparisons
* ACAT: add link to PR in documents
## AOB
* Rehearsal for ECFA:
* Friday, October 4 from 10AM
## Summerstudents
* Dates:
* Katerina Kostova: 01/07 to 27/09
* Giulia Gianoli: 01/07 to 27/09
## Next Meeting
October 1, 2024 (zoom)