
Forecasting detection and parameter estimation capabilities for the Einstein Telescope

by Ulyana Dupletsa

Einstein Telescope (ET) is a European project for a next-generation gravitational-wave detector. ET is expected to explore a broad range of science case studies. The reference design is based on a triangular shape of three nested detectors with 10 km arms, where each arm consists of a ‘xylophone’ configuration made of one interferometer tuned towards high frequencies and the other, cryogenic, towards low frequencies. Evaluating ET’s detection and parameter estimation capabilities is a mandatory step in its planning process.
The talk will overview data analysis tools that allow us to do forecasts. In particular, we will focus on GWFish, a software that simulates gravitational-wave detector networks and calculates measurement uncertainties based on the Fisher matrix approximation. We will then present the ET reference design results and consider different shapes (triangle versus 2L), different choices of arm length, and the use of only the high-frequency instrument. A broad class of scientific output is examined, ranging from compact binary coalescences to multi-messenger astronomy to cosmology.