Integration of the new benchmark in the accounting workflow
Attended: Alessandro, Renato, Tom, Maria, Julia
Excused : Carlos
Unfortunately, no progress regarding any issues discussed last week
HEPSCORE integration testing
1).Problem with HEPSCORE testing infrastructure has not been solved. No answer from Ivan so far. It is urgent. Julia will ping Ivan.
2).Greg Corbett will take over testing of HEPSCORE integration (client side). Julia suggested that he starts looking into documentation update which we have agreed at the last meeting.
3). Maria reported that CERN is ready with new reporting which includes the name of the benchmark used for the resource. She is waiting for the test workflow to become functional (see point 1)
New APEL client
1).Adrian is working on the documentation for work around for ldap issue (using local APEL configuration instead of BDII). He should accomplish it beginning of the next week, update docs on the twiki and send an announcement.
2). The new release of APEL client with a proper fix of ldap issue is planned in two weeks. Julia asked to update the ticket, since it has not been updated for two weeks, no evidence that there is any progress.
3). Maria reported that CERN is ready and migrated for reporting to EL9 machine. So new reports will be sent from there.
Next meeting is next Friday, same time slot. Adrian and Tom are in vacations, Julia suggested that APEL team would be represented by Greg.