Engagement Sectors Mgmt Meeting (pre-SC)

31/2-028 (CERN)



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      Monthly pre-SC discussion

      The purpose of the meeting is to discuss cross-sector management items and in the first meeting of the month prepare the input for the following IT steering committee meeting.

      Speakers: Simone Campana (CERN), Andreas Joachim Peters (CERN), Xavier Espinal (CERN), Karolina Przerwa (CERN), Pedro Andrade (CERN), Ricardo Rocha (CERN), Sebastian Bukowiec (CERN)

      Workflows and Tools

      • Projects
      • Documents
        • https://it-engagement.docs.cern.ch/documents
        • Pedro: create row for Project PSOs and explain the "ATS Projects" exception
        • Pedro: split the Action List row in two, one for SC and another for SC
        • Karolina: present in next meeting the CDS structure for long-term archival of PSOs 
        • Simone: remove Section IT-GOV-ENG folder from CERNBox repo
        • ATS: check if “Action lists” and “TC subjects” can be moved to CERNBox
        • RCS: clean and organize better the folder structure in CERNBox
        • RCS: check if “Project Status” can be moved to CERNBox
        • RCS: is IT-ENG-Common-Action-List.xlsx still needed? If specific to RCS it should be moved accordingly.
        • All: add missing links/files and verify that all links are correct
      • Meetings
      • Communication
        • https://it-engagement.docs.cern.ch/communication
        • Simone: create SC e-groups for FHR and RCS sectors
        • RCS: does it make sense to rename the “TC admins” e-group to follow the naming convention ?
        • RCS: do you need to create an e-group with all project leads  ?
        • RCS: add “TC admins” e-group to “it-engagement-mgmt-ext” and remove Pere
        • Pedro: add new line for special minutes distribution e-group (required by ATS)
        • Pedro: delete old legacy e-groups (will confirm first)
      • Admins
        • https://it-engagement.docs.cern.ch/Engagement/admins
        • RCS: make sure the TC admins e-group is used as owner of CERNBox resources (instead of individuals)
        • RCS: make sure the TC admins e-group is used as owner of Indico resources (instead of individuals)
        • RCS: make sure the TC admins e-group is used as owner of e-groups resources (instead of individuals)