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3rd DITANET Topical Workshop on Ultra-High Brightness Electron Sources

Cockcroft Institutue

Cockcroft Institutue

Daresbury Warrington United Kingdom
The Cockcroft Institute, Diamond Light Source Ltd., John Adams Institute, Institute of Physics, DITANET and STFC Accelerator Science and Technology Centre are pleased to announce the "Ultra-High Brightness Electron Sources" workshop. The workshop will be held at the Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus from 29th June to 1st July 2011. The primary purpose of this workshop is to explore the possibility of generating electron beams with fs-range bunches whose emittance is at least one order of magnitude lower than the current state-of-the-art. The scope of subjects that will be covered in the workshop programme includes the complete range of processes involved in the production of electron bunches, starting with electron emission from traditional and novel electron sources, primary acceleration of electrons in the gun, transportation and manipulation of space-charge-dominated beams, and the use of diagnostics in their characterisation. A crucial aspect of this workshop will be the consideration and discussion of the problems encountered in simulations of beam dynamics. This workshop will bring together researchers working on these issues, and aims to pool common areas of interest, advancing current technological limits by fostering and encouraging collaboration. Both the fundamental and technological aspects of the processes behind the production of an ultra-high brightness electron beam will be covered. There will be ample opportunity to discuss issues with international experts from the experimental, theoretical and simulation fields. The workshop will include a series of invited plenary talks, in addition to contributed papers. Tours of the ALICE and EMMA accelerators and the photoinjector development facilities at ASTeC will also be available. Further details and registration:
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