Infrastructure: A
- Markus Schulz (CERN)
Infrastructure: B
- Simone Campana (CERN)
Default duration is 15 minutes and 5 minutes for discussions
The single largest factor in determining the CO2 footprint of a compute resource is the CO2 intensity of the electricity used to power it. The carbon intensity ranges from 20 to 800gCO2/kWh, depending on the energy mix of the region. Due to the interconnectivity of the European electricity grid, it is not sufficient to look only at the regional electricity carbon intensity, but also at that of...
KIT operates not only the GridKa WLCG Tier-1 Center but also extensive HPC facilities, large-scale storage services, and the fundamental KIT IT infrastructure.
Across these domains, we are actively working on various initiatives to optimize energy consumption and maximize waste heat reuse. We'll present our multifaceted approach which encompasses the following key areas:
- Component-Level...
In this talk, we will describe the studies undertaken at the University of Manchester to estimate and improve the energy efficiency of computing hardware and software used by students and researchers.
The goal of these studies is to build an understanding of the environmental impact of paticle physics research focusing on two fronts:
1) the carbon cost of the hardware uses for high power...
The Tier-2 computing center at MIT has been established in 2006 and has been a prominent contributor to the CMS computing ever since. Over the years hardware has aged and we are faced with a major re-design which affects our principal design ideas that have driven our purchases over the years. In this context we have done a more holistic evaluation of the cost which for the first time includes...
Sustainability is becoming an ever-increasing part in the planning, designing and operation of large-scale infrastructures. Due to the international nature of the collaborators, these large-scale infrastructures end up being both joint-ventures building large machines, and the pooling of smaller resources to provide services for these machines. Research Facility 2.0 is an EU-funded project...
CERN has been tracking its energy consumption and carbon footprint at the level of the organisation and department for several years. We are compliant with the ISO 50001 energy management certification. However, this gives only a rough overview of the impact. CERN IT has been working on improving the monitoring of efficiency and power consumption as well as understanding the total impact of...
This study presents preliminary analyses of natural job drainage and power reduction patterns in the PIC Tier-1 data center, which uses HTCondor for workload scheduling. By examining historical HTCondor logs, we simulate natural job drainage behaviors, in order to understand natural job drainage patterns: when jobs naturally conclude without external intervention. These findings provide...
The Scientific Data and Computing Center (SDCC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory provides data services (storage, transfer and management), computing resources and collaborative tools to our worldwide scientific communities. Growing needs from our various programs coupled with data centre floor space and power constraints led us to the construction and occupancy of a new power-efficient data...