10:00 AM
Introduction remarks and ASP2012
Christine Darve
Peter Amoako-Yirenkyi
10:10 AM
Address from the Ghana Officials – Policy Leader
10:30 AM
Physics and its Medical Applications in Africa
Manjit Dosanjh
Zeblon Vilakazi
10:50 AM
The Transformation and Re-shaping of Physics in SA
Simon Connell
(President - South African Institute of Physics)
11:10 AM
Coffee break
11:30 AM
The Road Map for Discoveries – The Large Hadron Collider and the Higgs Boson
11:50 AM
The Road Map for Discoveries for Africa
Herman White
12:10 PM
2:10 PM
The SESAME Project and the Impact of Synchrotron Radiation on Science and Society in Developing Countries
Herman Winick
2:30 PM
The Road map of Applied Physics with compact accelerator based systems
Luca Serafini
2:50 PM
Raising Hope and Scientists: Building School in Africa
Christine Darve
(European Spallation Source)
3:10 PM
Student Poster Session and Open Session
6:00 PM
ASP2012 BANQUET- at International Center for Innovative