19# MuCol Management Committee

Zoom Meeting ID
Michela Lancellotti
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12 Participants: Anton Lechner, Antoine Chance, Chris Rogers, Daniel Schulte, Donatella Lucchesi, E.J. Bahng, Elias Metral, Lucio Rossi, Mark Palmer, Michela Lancellotti, Nadia Pastrone, R. Taylor.


News & reminders

1) Strategy for ESPPU (D. Schulte)

D. Schulte shows a first proposal for the structure of the ESPPU document with its main contributors. The structure proposal will be sent out for comments, but it should remain confidential for the moment. D. Lucchesi points out that the people writing the chapters should be recognized as editors to make a distinction between the general IMCC Authors and the people who worked on the document. Further discussions on this topic will follow.

D. Schulte further adds that it would be interesting to include a section on gender issues and early career researchers. 


WP5 Milestones (A. Chance)

The optics files are ready on Github and the link is publicly available. The milestone report is almost completed and will be circulated to the Management Committee before submission. Repository link:  https://gitlab.cern.ch/muon-collider-bd/rcs-optics.git



Reminder for the upcoming milestones due on 31st October 2024 (M.Lancellotti):

  • M5 - Parameters (WP1) > We should decide on the document reviewers and the author list (R. Taylor). As for the authors, there's a preference for using either the phrase "IMCC & MuCol contributors" as last time or the full list of names of the official IMCC author list (managed by the Publication & Speakers Committee chaired by E. Metral).
  • M11 - Detector performance (WP2)
  • M15 - Interaction region (WP2-WP5)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      News and reminder
      Speaker: Daniel Schulte (CERN)
    • 2
      WP5 milestone report
      Speaker: Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)
    • 3