4:00 PM
Radiation studies of CMOS sensor using high intensity X-ray irradiator
Ganapati Dash
(Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IN))
4:01 PM
First results of Back-side Illuminated SiPM for VUV/NUV light detection fabricated at Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Laura Parellada Monreal
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
4:02 PM
Qualification of Bump Bonding in CMS Inner Tracker Pixel Modules for the Phase-2 Upgrade
Panagiotis Assiouras
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
4:03 PM
Comprehensive studies on calibration parameters of the LHCb Upstream Tracker
Karol Mateusz Sowa
(AGH University of Krakow (PL))
4:05 PM
Validation of TCAD simulations of the edge of planar silicon sensors to understand breakdown
Peilin Li
(Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
4:06 PM
Characterisation of Crystalline Defects in 4H Silicon Carbide using DLTS and TSC
Niels Sorgenfrei
(CERN / University of Freiburg (Germany))
4:07 PM
Enhancing the Electro-Optical Properties of MOCVD GaN Structures for Radiation Sensor Applications by Chemical Surface Modification
Jevgenij Pavlov
(Vilnius University)
4:08 PM
Overview of the design, assembly and quality control tests of the Quad modules for the ATLAS ITk pixel detector.
Lingxin Meng
(Lancaster University (GB))
Md Arif Abdulla Samy
(University of Glasgow (GB))
4:09 PM
Performance evaluation of pre-production modules of ATLAS ITk after full characterization process
Md Arif Abdulla Samy
(University of Glasgow (GB))
4:10 PM
Study of electrical characteristics of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors irradiated with 24 GeV protons
Laimonas Deveikis
(Vilnius University (LT))
4:11 PM
Development of in-house plating and hybridisation technologies for pixel detectors
Haripriya Bangaru
4:12 PM
Performance of irradiated TI-LGADs at 160 GeV SPS pion beams
Iskra Velkovska
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
4:13 PM
Characterization of iLGAD with soft X-ray
Shuqi Li
4:14 PM
First Comparative Study on TI-LGAD samples without/with the grounded Guard Ring: A new insight into mechanism behind the self-induced signals
Gordana Lastovicka-Medin
(University of Montenegro (ME))
4:15 PM
Performance degradation of SiPM sensors under various irradiation fields and recovery via high-temperature annealing
Nicola Funicello
(Universita e INFN, Salerno (IT))
4:16 PM
Design and test of COFFEE2, the first HVCMOS prototype in 55nm process
Leyi Li
4:17 PM
Beam test and digitization of TaichuPix-3 silicon pixel detector for the CEPC vertex detector
Hancen Lu
4:18 PM
Timepix4 Chipboard and Readout Concept
Ondrej Ruzicka
(University of West Bohemia (CZ))
4:20 PM
Status of the FBK SiPM production for the Far Detector of DUNE
Andrea Ficorella
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
4:22 PM
Novel method to assess the electromagnetic radiation damage using HGCAL silicon sensors
Eva Fialova
4:23 PM
Performance of an X-γ ray detection system based on a thick silicon LGAD
Iurii Eremeev
4:25 PM
Katherine Generation 2: Advanced Readout System for Timepix3 Detectors
Petr Burian
(Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
4:26 PM
Development and production of advanced 3D pixel sensors at FBK
Sabina Ronchin
4:27 PM
The Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder for the International Space Station (TIGERISS)
John Krizmanic
4:28 PM
Development of the Silicon Electron Multiplier (SiEM) Sensor and Fast-timing Readout Tools For Sensor Characterization
Federico De Benedetti
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
4:29 PM
Investigation of the time resolution of TI-LGAD sensors for 4th generation synchrotron radiation sources
Saverio Silletta
4:30 PM
Simulation and Test Beam Results of Passive CMOS Strip Sensors
Fabian Simon Lex
(University of Freiburg (DE))
4:31 PM
CMS Inner Tracker Module Production and Qualification for the HL-LHC Upgrade
Amrutha Samalan
(Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))
4:32 PM
Experimental results on monitoring proton and carbon ion clinical beams using thin silicon sensors
Emanuele Maria Data
Emanuele Maria Data