LHCONE R&D and RNT-WG call

Edoardo Martelli (CERN), Joe Mambretti (International Center for Advanced Internet Research Northwestern University), Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
Zoom Meeting ID
Edoardo Martelli
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      Presents: Joe Mambretti, Edoardo Martelli, Marian Babik, Tristan Sullivan, Carmen Misa, Bill Johnston, John McAuely, Vitaliy Kondratenko, Chris Walker, Andy  Lake, Yatish Kumar, Bruno Hoeft, Jim Chen.

      - LHCONE meeting #53 https://indico.cern.ch/event/1410638/
      - MultiONE implementtion:: GGUS ticket campaign started on 23rd/9/2024. We hope to see more tagged prefixes soon

      - Tristan got connectivity to UVIC. Testing has started. From Starlight to Uvic is better than in the other direction. There is a 15-20% impact on performances when using the extension header vs a 1% impact when using the flowlabel field.
      - Tristan: can give a report to the LHCONE meeting about this testing.
      - Joe: there will be six 400G connections to the Starlight booth
      - Joe: scitags was mentioned at the gloabl reasearch platform event in Japan 

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      - UCSD/Caltech status - work on the flowd setup on-going 
      - Starlight - dashboard now works (required some bugfixes in flowd)

      - Draft presentation available at:
      - Please comment directly in the presentation if you have any updates, suggestions

      - New PR: https://github.com/scitags/firefly-collector/pull/1
      - Missing Kafka input/output plugin (A: Andy Lake)

      - Released 1.1.5 (https://github.com/scitags/flowd/releases/tag/v1.1.5)
      - Containers are now build and published on github packages
             - This now works: docker pull ghcr.io/scitags/flowd:v1.1.5 (or ghcr.io/scitags/flowd:main for latest)
      - Setup koji scitags repo, build and published packages for RHEL9, Alma9, RHEL8, Alma8
      - Repos to be available at: 
             - https://linuxsoft.cern.ch/repos/scitags9el-testing
             - https://linuxsoft.cern.ch/repos/scitags9al-testing
             - https://linuxsoft.cern.ch/repos/scitags8el-testing
             - https://linuxsoft.cern.ch/repos/scitagsal8-testing
             - etc. for -qa and -stable, i.e. scitags9el-qa, scitags9el-stable, etc.
             - Plan to ask to include the packages also in WLCG repo

      Topical meetings to be scheduled:
      - Discuss plans/proposal for production deployment of packet marking
      - BBRv3 and packet pacing tests 

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      Next meeting

      We skipp the week of the LHCONE meeting in Beijing.

      Next meeting:  22nd October