Michele Bergamaschi
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik/CERN)
06/11/2024, 14:30
Nikita Zena van Gils
(PARTREC, UMCG, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)
06/11/2024, 14:50
Fern Elizabeth Pannell
(University of London (GB))
06/11/2024, 15:10
Jan Pucek
06/11/2024, 16:00
Jan Aaron Mezger
(Max Planck Society (DE))
06/11/2024, 16:25
Arthur Clairembaud
(Max Planck Society (DE))
06/11/2024, 16:45
Helena Jaworska
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
06/11/2024, 17:05
Michele Bergamaschi
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik/CERN)
07/11/2024, 09:20
Patric Muggli
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
07/11/2024, 09:55
Debdeep Ghosal
(University of Liverpool)
07/11/2024, 10:40
Eduardo Granados
Miguel Martinez Calderon
Vittorio Bencini
(John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (GB))