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CERN - 70 years of collaborative science

Dynamic Earth (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

Dynamic Earth

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Holyrood Road Edinburgh EH8 8AS United Kingdom

Join us at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh to celebrate CERN's 70th birthday

Have you ever wondered about what the Universe around us is made of?

The scientists who founded CERN - the European Lab for particle and nuclear physics - 70 years ago have the same question. Come along to speak to current CERN scientists from Scotland and the North of England to find out what we have discovered, and what mysteries still remain.

Free and open to all**

Activities for all the family

Last entry 4pm

Activities include crafting and colouring in, board games, hand-on with CERN technology for particle physics and medical physics and the cosmic doorway.


CERN - 70 years of collaborative science

CERN was established after the Second World War by a handful of Europe’s leading scientists and diplomats with a mission to bring excellence in scientific research back to Europe and foster peaceful collaboration among nations.

Today, CERN has 24 Member States (including the United Kingdom), 10 Associate Member States, and a vibrant community of 17 thousand people, representing more than 110 nationalities; of which around one thousand people are from the UK.

With many mysteries of the fundamental nature of the Universie still to be unravelled, CERN is preparing to continue this inspiring journey of exploration.

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