24 October 2024
Yeosu Expo Convention Center
Asia/Seoul timezone

Entangled in Tops: How we turned ATLAS into the world’s largest quantum information experiment

24 Oct 2024, 16:25
Seminar Rm 1 (Yeosu Expo Convention Center)

Seminar Rm 1

Yeosu Expo Convention Center


Ethan Lewis Simpson (The University of Manchester (GB))


A new sub-field has exploded onto the particle physics scene: testing fundamental features of quantum mechanics in collider experiments. A prominent initial result is the ATLAS Collaboration’s observation of quantum entanglement between top-quark pairs, the first measurement of entanglement between free quarks, and the highest energy lab-based quantum information experiment to date. Entanglement between top-quark pairs is shown to be observable through measurement of a single angular observable. This talk shall discuss the motivation for using ATLAS as a quantum information experiment, and the experimental challenges and ultimate result of the ATLAS measurement. Shortcomings in current simulation tools and future ATLAS prospects will also be discussed, and attention given to the similarities and differences between recent CMS observations of the same phenomenon.

Presentation materials