14–20 Sept 2025
Asia/Tbilisi timezone
Click on Conference programme and then Detailed view to see the full programme.

Security and Safety of High-Energy and Intensity Nuclear and Laser Beams is a planned NATO SPS-supported Advanced Training Courses (ATC), to be held IN PERSON in Batumi (Georgia) from September 29 to October 4, 2025. Participation by invitation. 

The subject is nuclear security and safety, including safe nuclear energy production, transmutation of nuclear fuel, protection of nuclear power installations, especially important in zones of potential nuclear attacks (such as Ukraine), protection in high-energy experiments (e.g. at CERN's LHC), in medicine (beam therapy of cancer), laser-driven accelerators (e.g. at DESY), military applications of laser beams, and secure IT technologies.
     The planned ATC will promote recommendations and foster partnerships between experts from different countries in the Black Sea area, strengthening NATO-oriented collaboration between Ukraine, Georgia, and other countries from the Black Sea region.

Batumi, Georgia

This is an in-person conference. Online participation will not be available.

Post-MTC tours may be organized by individual request.

The present site will be extended as the Event comes closer.