OpenIPMC Technical Meeting

Carlos Ruben Dell'Aquila (University of Massachusetts (US))
Zoom Meeting ID
Carlos Ruben Dell'Aquila
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    • 1
      News and General Remarks
      Speaker: Carlos Ruben Dell'Aquila (University of Massachusetts (US))
    • 2
      Updates on OpenIPMC for Apollo
      Speakers: Alexander Madorsky (Boston University (US)), Carlos Ruben Dell'Aquila (University of Massachusetts (US))

      Open IPMC rev 1.1 modules work fine

      Open IPMC rev 1.2 modules lead to fans speeding up to max speed

      Happens when the board is plugged in

      Fans may or may not slow down when board is removed

      IPMC rev 1.2 runs the same firmware as rev 1.1

      Reproduced by Rui with SM rev 2

      Not confirmed by Serenity team – but they use different firmware

      Tracked this down to the I2C buffers

      Rev 1.1 uses older parts: LTC4300

      Rev 1.2 uses newer pin-compatible replacement: LTC4307

      Replacing buffers with LTC4300 on rev 1.2 fixed the issue

      Current plan: use LTC4300 on rev 1.2 IPMC modules

      • Unless we discover a firmware issue that leads to this problem.
    • 3
      Updates on OpenIPMC for Serenity
      Speaker: Giacomo Fedi (Imperial College (GB))
    • 4
      Round table
      Speakers: Gregory Michiel Iles (Imperial College (GB)), Guillermo Loustau De Linares (University of Massachusetts (US)), Kate Whalen (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Luigi Calligaris (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR)), Marvin Fuchs (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)), Dr Rui Zou (Cornell University (US)), Tom Williams (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))