Sunet Drive is Sweden’s national data storage solution, and part of the ScienceMesh and active member of the Open Cloud Mesh Community Group. It is a federated solution consisting of 54 nodes, one for every Swedish institution, including one node for external users. We will give an up-to-date overview of of Sunet Drive, including
• User and storage development
• New customer on-boarding and customizations
• Updates and incidents
• Extension to a third data center
• Implemented and planned features
Special focus of the community report will lie on the plan to develop Sunet Drive into a sovereign academic toolbox, capable of FAIR data handling and data analysis. This includes our efforts in developing and rolling out Secure Zones and Step-up-Authentication, including the transition from a Nextcloud Global Scale to a ”purely federated” deployment, as well as the integration of RDS-NG and the development of a new connector for the Swedish National Dataservice system DORIS. In addition, we will briefly talk about the status of ”Scalable JupyterHub”, funded through GN5-1 - GÉANT Project Incubator.