On May 15 2024, about 30 participants from our community joined an online workshop about JupyterHub. Among them was also the project lead for the JupyterHub project. Seven presentations were given and after each one the participants were able to discuss and ask questions. The workshop was concluded with a longer community discussion.
This presentation will highlight some key take-aways from...
SWAN (Service for Web-based Analysis) is CERN’s cloud-based platform that streamlines scientific data analysis and collaboration by offering users an integrated Jupyter-based environment with seamless access to resources such as EOS/CERNBox and CVMFS. In this talk, we will present the current state of the project and highlight the advancements made in 2024 to address new use cases. These...
Since 2017, the cosmo sim web portal allows accessing and sharing the output of large, cosmological, hydro-dynamical simulations with a broad scientific community and contentiously grows in services and data which are made available. It is based on a multi-layer structure: a web portal, a job control layer, a computing cluster and a HPC storage system. The outer layer enables users to choose...
Does the idea of running and managing “own” web server for every user with the corresponding user/group IDs and securing access to it sound crazy? Definitely 10 years ago it was, but not in the current Cloud Native world. KubePie facilitates streamlined access to end-user data by harnessing Kubernetes' scalability and deployment capabilities to...