Latest cluster template (1.31.1-1) include it, so we could get rid of the ATLAS implementation of it
Another issue happened due to this
Rate limit issue on dockerhub for some container images hosted on dockerhub
Possible to use cern proxy for it
But were hit for busybox containers used for logmessages
Possible to work around either in flux config or helm chart
Would be good to have a solution for everyone in helm-chart (global proxy config)
-> Issue #
To check: when to pull images and when to use it from cache
Token issue
Identified an issue with IAM / Rucio / FTS
Token-exchange enables client to break out of the token limitation of the orginal access token; Basically any token scope can be requested -> thus breaking out of the original scope limitation
Will be picked up by Token Task Force
Collection replicas table issue
Forcing --deep, similar to ATLAS
This should be made the default in Rucio (36?)
Oracle cron job just trunacting col_rep_update table
Finisher memory growing a lot
Might be related to the growing col_rep_update table?