Participants: Cedric, Luisa, Roderik, Natalia, Belen, Anton, Sara
- 18 BLM dumps in 2023 ion run
- 9 in ramp, 9 at top energy
- 7 on Q6R7
- 4 on TCLD
- 4 on TCTs -> 2 on H.4L1 and 2 on V.4L2
- 10Hz losses should be mitigated this year
- 2.7e8 ions per bunch in SPS -> 50% more compared to 2023
- BFPP ions
- Losses on TCLDs due to IP7 should be better this year... but we cannot fully exclude it
- Limit set for power loss of more than 500kW in long RS (RS07-12)
- For RS06, and MF = 0.35 in 2023, estimated power impact is 1.5-3kW, estimated power deposition around 0.8-1.5kW
- Energy deposition of 8-15J in 10ms
- Could we increase only RS06 for 10Hz losses?
- TCTs
- Warnings towards the end of the ramp due to slow losses
- 10Hz events triggering dumps
- All dumps were 10hz events
- Three dumps in ramp, one in FT
- Flat threshold profile for RS08-RS12
- Increased in intermediate energies for RS07 for fast losses
- Estimated power deposition in jaw 350W
- Depends on loss scenario and BLM response (position of BLMs not the same for all TCTs)
- Proposals:
- Increase an increase of thresholds in intermediate and longer RS
- Simulations of impacts scenarios on vertical TCTPV
- Case 1: halo leakage of ions from IR7 to TCTPV
- Case 2: accidental impacts of Pb ions on TCTPV (scraping scenario)
- For 2kW power deposited, power density simulated, much higher in the scraping scenario
- Do we want to interlock based on the halo scenario or the scraping scenario?
- Simulated case 1.a) before discussions on approach
- Deposited power of 3kW on 1 jaw input for simulations
- Steps from 0.1s to 20s
- Other steps needed below?
- 3kW 20 s for 1b and 2
- Check also faster losses, 0.01 s (10ms) to check for 10Hz losses
- For 20 s:
- 75 degrees in the jaw
- Directional deformation
- Eq. stress
- Table with different power deposition and time of impact
- Close to the threshold for stress in the pipes only in the case of 15kW for 20s
- 267 degrees also high
- Elastic deformation could change cleaning efficiency
- 2023 ion loss maps in CH, VR, AM
- Allowed power loss for the three orientations?
- Volume reflection higher BLM response in TCLA upstream Q6 for B1H
- Include Q6 BLMs in analysis
- B1H loss map used for 2023 calibration had worse IR7 DS inefficiency?
- Allow 60kW for channeling, 15kW for amorphous and 15kW for VR?
- Double-check the factors that were applied as corrections on the ECR
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