High Energy Physics Seminar

Room: B2.38 (Wydział Fizyki UW)

Room: B2.38

Wydział Fizyki UW

Pasteura 5
Aleksander Żarnecki (University of Warsaw (PL)), Katarzyna Grzelak (IFD UW)
    • 11:30 13:00
      Overview of the spin programme of COMPASS 1h 30m


      The purpose of the COMPASS facility is a study of hadron structure and spectroscopy with high energy hadron and (polarised) muon beams.

      In the spin programme polarised proton and deuteron targets were used in inclusive and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic reactions as well as in the Drell-Yan process. Deeply virtual Compton scattering and hard exclusive meson muoproduction were studied using an unpolarised proton target.

      A panorama of COMPASS results on 1D and 3D nucleon structure, based on the invited talk delivered at the "Diffraction and Low-x 2024" conference in Trabia (Italy), will be presented.

      Serdecznie zapraszamy

      dr hab. Katarzyna Grzelak
      prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki

      Speaker: prof. dr hab. Barbara Badelek (University of Warsaw (PL))