Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries

Measurement of recoil velocity by atom interferometry and realization of an interferometer using a frequency comb

by Pierre Cladé

93/R-031 (CERN)



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For 20 years, our team in Paris has been using an atom interferometer to
precisely measure the recoil velocity of an atom absorbing a photon. This
measurement makes it possible to obtain the ratio h/m between Planck's
constant and the mass of the atom used, a ratio from which it is possible to
obtain a determination of the fine structure constant α. I will present the principle of this experiment as well as the main systematic effects and the techniques used to control them.

Secondly, I will present a new type of interferometer in which a frequency comb
is used directly to interact with the atoms. Thanks to a delay line, it is possible to precisely control the position of the atomic beam splitter. This technique allows us, for example, to interact with each arm of the interferometer separately.

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