EPE Seminar: Louis Varriano

PAT C-421

PAT C-421

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Henry J Lubatti (lubatti@uw.edu)

LEGEND: Search for neutrinoless double beta decay in 76Ge

Louis Varriano, University of Washington


The LEGEND experiment searches for neutrinoless double beta decay in 76Ge-enriched high-purity germanium detectors operating in liquid argon, whose scintillation acts as an active veto against external background events. Using specialized detector geometries, pulse shape discrimination is performed to further veto background events. LEGEND-200 has completed about one year of stable physics data-taking at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy, with the first data recently unblinded. With a planned ultimate exposure of 1 ton·yr and a target background index of 2×10^−4 cts/(keV·kg·yr) at Q_ββ = 2039 keV, LEGEND-200 is expected to reach a 3σ discovery sensitivity of 10^27 years half-life. The next generation experiment, LEGEND-1000, will operate 1000 kg of detectors and reach an expected discovery sensitivity of 10^28 years half-life, covering the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy


    • 16:45 18:15
      LEGEND: Search for neutrinoless double beta decay in 76Ge 1h 30m PAB C421

      PAB C421

      Speaker: Dr Louis Varriano (U. Washington)