EuCAPT Virtual Colloquia

Anti-matter in Cosmic Rays as a Dark Matter probe

by Prof. Fiorenza Donato (Torino University and INFN, and CERN)

On line only (CERN)

On line only (CERN)


The unprecedented precision of data coming from space challenges our understanding of the origin and the behaviour of particles and photons in the Galaxy. We will discuss the indirect searches of particle dark matter in the galactic cosmic rays, and specifically in the light antinuclei and in the positron channels. An attempt to understand current measurements will be pursued, paralleled by a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Organised by

Carmelo Evoli

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Benoit Loyer, Anne Green, Sebastien Renaux-Petel, Gianfranco Bertone, John Cassar, Carmelo Giovanni Evoli, Julie Dal Gobbo
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