FCC-FS EPOL group and FCCIS WP2.5 meeting 34
The FCC technical and financial feasibility study comprises a work package (EPOL) on precision determination of the centre of mass energy at FCCee. using resonant depolarisation of the beams, in conjunction with precise measurement of the energy spread and other parameters using physics events in the detectors, and other beam diagnostics in particular to control the collision parameters. Specific equipment involves polarimeters for both beams, polarisation wigglers, and depolarising RF kickers. The possible mono-chromatization of the beams in view of a measurement of the e+ e- —> H (125) process will also be studied and special requirements investigated.
Short group meetings are foreseen at 16:30 on Thursday typically every three weeks.
Y. Wu presents updates on the spin tune shifts and the average enery estimate. The average energy is estimated by calculating the average energy a*gamma considering energy loss occurs only in the dipoles. With that, the absolute spin tune shift with respect to a*gamma is reduced to 10-5 (~20 keV). The spin tune shift at different energies with misalignments is comparable. A. Blondel suggests to show the same seed of misalignments for all energy stages.
I. Koop presents updates on local bumps. The return arc seems to be too weak to achieve the required spin rotation and suggests to modify the arc optics instead. The triplet arc optics is excluded due to the quadrupole design. K. Oide adds that this solution is elegant and can be implemented easily.