Integration of the new benchmark in the accounting workflow



Alessandro, Adrian, Carlos, Joseph, Julia


-Julia asked about missing librarires used by APEL in UMD5 reported by Maria.

apel-ssm-3.4.1-1.el9.noarch is now there

python3-argo-ams-library-0.6.2-1.el9.noarch is stll missing will be followed up by Alessandro and Adrian

-Maria started sending HEPSCORE records to the EGI QA portal before she left for vacations. She is not sure how she can check that everything is fine. To be followed up with Adrian

-Issues with OU_OSCER_ATLAS and  WEIZMANN-LCG2 discussed at the previous meeting. For OU_OSCER_ATLAS CPU info is missing in the OSG report, to be followed up with the site and OSG accounting experts. Issue with WEIZMANN-LCG2 is followed up in the ticket

-Adrian informed about the progress of APEL server migration. The time line for migration is expected to be respected

-GLUE1 and GLUE2. How APEL translated time to work for sites which publish only GLUE2 is still uncler. Adrian has to check. For the sites which publish both GLUE1 and GLUE2 and data is inconsistent Julia and Alessandro agreed to launch a small campaign to put them in order. Julia will ask Natalia who rean these analysis to extend them to all European sites, not just ATLAS ones, to define the list of sites concerned

-Joseph reported about QUANTA work organization on the EGI accounting portal. It will be followed up using EGI jira (

- Next meeting is on Thursday the 31st of October startng at 12 CET.



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:30 11:50
      Introduction 20m
      Speaker: Adrian Coveney (STFC UKRI)