DD4hep Meeting November 21th, 2024
Present: A.Sailer, M.Frank
Link to minutes of previous meeting
Merged PRs
- PR 1342: Some more test dependency management, add SignalHandler to ddsim (Andre)
- PR 1347: Remove override warnings from DDG4 compilation (Markus)
- PR 1348: make inline definition of insertion operator of DCH_info class (Alvaro)
- PR 1349: PythonPlugin: replace deprecated/removed Eval with Exec (Andre)
Pending Problems
Closed issues and fixed problems
- ISSUE 1340: Not saving contributions for calorimeter hits
==> explanation sorted out by Andre
- ISSUE 1344: Two sensitive surfaces in a one module. How to debug?
==> explanation sorted out by Andre
- ISSUE 1345: problem to simulate Bhabha events:
FATAL +++ Stable particle (PDG: 11 ) with daughters! check your MC record, adapt particle.tbl file...
==> explanation sorted out by Andre
- ISSUE 1346: MCParticle parent and daughter values not matching up.
==> misunderstanding sorted out by Andre
Round Table
Andre: NTR
Markus: NTR
Next meeting: November 21th, 2024
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