Warm MM results Q3
The source of discrepancy between the individual magnetic axis between AUP and CERN measurements is now understood: when powering through the K-mod lead, there is a magnetic loop which affect the axis (and harmonics). AUP is powering through the intermediate lead which is not accesible at CERN and not compatible with our test station. Individual and common axis measurements using rotating coil (does not require to power through the K-mod lead) at warm are consistent now at CERN and AUP within the measurement uncertainty.
For next cryo-assemblies:
- At warm, instead of performing a strech wire measurement we will do a rotating coil measurements, allowing to have not only the transfer function and common axis abut also individual magnet axis and harmonics in all cryo-asesmblies at CERN.
- At cold: for cryo-assemblies tested in AUP, we will have the individual axis measurements from AUP. For cryo-assemblies not tested in AUP (new baseline under discussion), we will have only the common axis at cold, and the individual axis will rely on warm/cold correlation of the cryo-assemblies measured at FNAL. The measurement of the individual axis at cold requires the intermidate lead, which requires either an updgrade of the shuffling module or an important modification at the level of the cold mass. Individual powering at cold, even with a third lead, requires an additional effort from our side to obtain accurate results.