Budegt for safety (ventilation in the chemical cabinets) and building renov (BLM lab) --> Chiara
Budget estimate for the machine Jet d'eau --> Morad
Conferences Participation:
send to Chiara which one you would like to attend (IPAC, IBIC, MEDSI, Big Science Forum, any other technical fair) --> All
Check for interesting Tech Fairs --> Morad and Lewis
More offices for ML in our corridor --> Chiara
YETS prepa:
Check Control for the legacy wire scanner is working --> Gerard, Chiara
BSI --> cancelled
BTV on T4 --> TBC with Stephane --> Chiara, Ben
Window flange for BSRTMB to be sent to VSC acceptance tests --> Gerhard
BRAN LSS2 improvement in the safety - switches discussion with David/Federico --> Chiara
ISOLDE FCs: add the contributions to the ML planning --> Chiara
ISOLDE VSC acceptance tests: chek with Jose on the strategy for acceptance tests in HIE/Isolde --> Chiara
Sort the resources for covering LHC YETS, HL BPM pressure and leak testing and HL BLMs --> Chiara and Gerhard
VSC acceptance tests:
Campaign blocked till after YETS:
After YETS we need a review of the equipment list and test only the refurbished ones which are useful as spares for TLine and NA --> Emma, Gerhard, Morad
Double expert:
Do a risk analysis for the different instruments and check by criticality where we should be covering with second experts --> Chiara
Think of the best way to implement spares management so that everyone is aware of where is what in case of need. --> All
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.
Briefing - Chiara
BI days
ML section meeting frequency
Section Name? (MBI? Mechanics for beam instrumentation?)
Budget spending ( OP, CONS mech spares)
Internal design reviews?
CONS day and new cons requests
Conferences next year (MEDSI, IPAC, HL coll meeting)
BI days:
13th Dec at Meyrin
Speakers: Harry, Vicky, Christophe (?)
no other volunteers :)
ML section meeting:
suggested with a frequency of 1 per month, Mondays preferably
alternate between section organisation and section projects, where internal project review can take place.
During YETS we will keep one short on YETS activities update, but depending on work load and tunnel interventions.
MBI suggested as new section name: most likely to be implemented after DG change.
Budget: 40 KCHF available for spending with delivery within Dec --> See actions
New CONS req for mech spares presented at te CONS days --> lets hope it gets approved
Gerard to IPAC, no other.
a lot of interest in MEDSI: see actions. William and Ben for the time being.
Chiara moves to Ray's next week
Harry moves to William
Lauren moves to Harry
Lewis moves to Emma
YETS preparation status - ALL
Planning ML file update
are all contributions there?
any critical path for readiness?
any critical path for ppl availability?
Went through the list of activities, no critical paths identified so far for readiness for YETS. Keep an eye on:
3XLegacy FWS
Isolde activities might need dose sharing?
Personnel bottleneck in LHC: HL activities in full swing + YETS with BGC.
VSC acceptance tests -ALL
next steps
s the campaign fit for purpose?
campaign blocked till after YETS.
Then it will need serious sorting and decision making on what is important for us as spare
Setting up a double expert per equipment - ALL
gain in flexibility for interventions
enlarge everyone's expertise
Most of our equipment has 1 expert attributed to them. The goal here is not to have a double following up on design and production but more a second expert for machines interventions. Considering the upcoming YETS lengths, the goal woul be to porfit from the LS3 access to have hands on second experts.
Very useful discussion on how to set this up as many layers are needed:
spare asset management (where to find components in case of interventions):
One person within ML to followup? Good remark: the system is in place but it has to be used by eq owners.
One person within SY that does logistic only? make sure that components are tagged ( code created by the eq owner) and in the right place, and consumables are above a certain level?
knowledge of the system can be acquired at surface in our labs, no need of the machine access for that. so this part can be anticipated during next spring/summer?
still machine access is crucial and needed to be more are ease with the environment and the final installation.
No final conclusion: everyone to think which system they would like best to take over as second expert. Chiara to map criticalities. Everyone to make an effort on asset coding.