STAARQ - anti-cryostat manufacturing follow-up

Carlo Petrone (CERN)

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Meeting ID: 384 097 2342
Passcode: 588027





  • Anti-cryostat #1 can probably be sent to CEA at the end of November. 
  • The electronic can be tested remotely once the two MRUs arrive to CEA
  • The anti-cryostat #2 can be transported in 311, and the second shaft can be assembled and inserted only once the lifting beam is repatriated from the first transportation.





There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:20
      STAARQ - anti-cryostat follow-up: MQYY measurement plan and CEA activities
      Conveners: Herve Allain, Simon Perraud, jean marc Gheller (CEA/IRFU)
    • 15:20 15:40
      STAARQ Update - Anti Cryostat 20m
      Speakers: Frederic Savary (CERN), Sean Stephen Brian Mcintyre (CERN)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Magnetic measurement system status for STAARQ 20m
      Speakers: Guy Deferne (CERN), Olaf Dunkel (CERN), Ricardo Beltron Mercadillo (CERN)