First measurement of the energy-energy correlator from the collinear the back-to-back limit in e+e- collisions with ALEPH
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in using the projected N-point energy correlation function (ENCs) of particles within jets to study the collinear limit of vacuum QCD in hadronic collisions. In this limit, ENCs offer a clear separation of scale useful for studying both perturbative and non-perturbative QCD. Additionally, these observables can also be extended to study QCD in the back-to-back (Sudakov) limit. Archived ALEPH e+e- collision data offers an experimentally clean environment free from any hadronic initial state effects, which is useful for precision studies. In this talk I will discuss recent ENC measurements from the ALEPH e+e- data taken at LEP at sqrt(s) = 91.2 GeV spanning, for the first time, both the collinear to the back-to-back limit of QCD as well as the transition between these two regimes. Comparisons to theoretical calculations and generators will also be shown, highlighting the discriminative power of this observable. Finally, I will conclude by discussing future experimental capabilities of the ALEPH archived data.