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InvenioRDM hackathon, We will be split into mini teams and work on some selected features for the day. For lunch, we will order Pizza from the CERN Restaurant or somewhere else.
Here are the final teams for the day, if you want to swap to another team, you can discuss with the members from that team and let us know, keep in mind that each team should have at least 3 members.
Idea | Team Members | Description |
2 |
Yash, Panna, Duarte, Tomas |
Use AI to extract metadata from PDFs and prefill deposit forms (e.g., DataSeer, GROBID, etc.). Use this to generate high-quality descriptions for complex objects as well like datasets and software. What else could be done? Find relations to other records? figure out if the record is already published? or that it has already a DOI and published elsewhere? etc. |
6 | Zach, Javier, Nico | Imagine or prototype a “deposit form diff” feature to highlight changes between the draft and the already published version of the record, helping users decide whether to discard or publish the changes. This could also be useful to show difference in between multiple updates of the same record (like a history/changes log) |
7 | Carlin, Karolina, Zübeyde | Improve the deposit form usability and aesthetics (based on previous feedback not everyone likes or understand it): e.g., redesign blue lines to clarify grouping, introduce a vertical side menu for easier navigation, and explore ways to make the interface more intuitive. |
9 | Saksham, Alex, Pablo S | Optimize handling of large file uploads to make the process faster and more efficient. |
10 | Pablo T, Anika, Alp, David | Implement proper end-to-end testing using tools like Playwright or Cypress or Puppeteer. |