Welcome to the 12th iteration of a C++ course for the high energy physics community
Please note that this course is organised for the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. Please provide details about your affiliation to a HEP laboratory or university during the registration process.
Important Links
- Zoom Main (Lecture) Room URL --> see menu item "Videoconference" in the left menu
- Mattermost channel for discussion (first Join the "HEP C++ Course" mattermost team, then sign-up to the "Morning lectures" channel)
- Pre-training survey (available soon)
- Post-training survey (available on the last lecture day)
Organisation and Content
The event will run over 3 days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each day will feature one two hour lecture session in the morning and a two hours session focused around hands-on training exercises in small groups (related to the morning training) in the afternoons.
The morning lectures of this event will be held in a hybrid format, i.e. in meeting rooms at CERN and also via zoom connections. Lecturers of this course are Sebastien Ponce and Stephan Hageboeck.
The afternoon training sessions will be held in person at CERN for locally attending participants. For remote participants we can provide the list of exercises and the possibility to connect on a zoom chat for questions.
Two registration forms are available for in person or remote participation.
If it is possible for you to attend the event on premise, we would encourage you to do so, as we believe the training effect will be higher.
The course is based on material developed originally by Sebastien Ponce and further extended by him and many colleagues in the HEP community.
The afternoon trainings are supported by mentors from within the HEP community
- Sebastien Ponce (CERN, LHCb)
- Stephan Hageboeck (CERN, EP)
- Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN, ATLAS)
- Daniele Massaro (CERN, IT)
- Oliver Lantwin (INFN, SHiP)
- David Chamont (IN2P3)
- Ianna Osborne (Princeton / IRIS-HEP, CMS)
- Oliver Rietmann (CERN, EP)
The lecture sessions contain the following topics
Monday | Wednesday |
Friday |
Basics (syntax, pointers, references, compound types, operators ...) |
Tools (code mgmt, compiler chain, debugging, ...) Object Orientation (classes, inheritance, ... ) |
Object Orientation (allocate objects, advanced OO, functors, ...) Modern C++ (constness, exceptions, templates, STL, lambdas, ...) |
Registration : Important notice !!!
The number for in person participant places for this course and training are deliberately limited in order to allow us to give you more personalised training.
Is this training for me?
Good question. Our target audience for this training are members of the high energy physics community who are in any kind related to software development (experiments, services, tools, ...).
The registration process is not moderated but we ask that you reflect on two things before registering.
[1] Can I commit to attending the full event?
The most important thing is that those who want to learn are given the full opportunity to do so. And in our teaching pedagogy, learning means staying engaged both during the lecture and the hands-on sessions. Please only register if you can commit to attending and being engaged. If you are interested but aren't sure, don't hesitate to sign up for the waiting list to express your interest!
[2] What level of C++ is required?
The course will start from the very basics but will also touch on advanced and modern features of C++ (check out the curriculum above). We suggest you to follow this course if you only have very basic knowledge of C++ or you want to refresh it. The goal of this course is to already enable you to contribute meaningfully to your experiment code base or to e.g. write your own analysis software.
Really want to attend but timing doesn't work?
Finally, every individual interested in the training is welcome to subscribe. The sessions for this iteration of the event are more optimised for European time zones. If you don't plan to attend this training but maybe another iteration please still subscribe at the HEP C++ Course and Hands-on Training - Stay Informed event so we can reach out to you and inform you of any future C++ trainings.
Finally we also plan to record the morning courses and publish them on this indico page. In case you only want to consume the recordings and not participate live in the lectures and training you also don't need to register for the training.
Cost of attendance and attestation
The registration fee for local participants of this event will be CHF 50 and will cover refreshments during the coffee breaks.
If needed we can also provide attendance certificates to the participants.