8–10 Oct 2025
IT Centre for Science - CSC, Helsinki, Finland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Call for Papers, Extended Abstracts, and Demos
We are calling for your contribution with scientific papers, sharing of practical experiences or by introducing concepts and positions in relevant fields, such as computer science, legal, economics and ethics. Full papers and abstracts presented at the #ossym2025 will be published open access in online proceedings (including DOIs and ISBN) following the event. Authors from selected scientific papers will be invited to submit an extended version for a journal publication.
Please submit your contribution: for research contributions we accept full papers (4-6 pages) and for any other contribution (concepts, best practices or practitioners’ experiences) an extended abstract (1 page).
All abstracts and papers have to using the available document templates. The acceptance of all full papers and extended abstracts is subject of a peer-review process.

Submit your Papers/Abtracts here

CERN Guest Account

In order to submit your contribution for OSSYM 2025 you will need to login with a CERN Guest Account. To create an account, please go to the CERN Single Sign-On page and click on "External email - Guest access" and then "Register"). Alternatively you can sign-in with your CERN Account, eduGAIN or an external social account (GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook).

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.