- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Overview of ATLAS luminosity-determination methodology in
Run III, and comparison to Run-II methodology (both pp and HI)
Introduction to common vdM [avoid duplication in next talk!]
• Global view of:
- calibration strategy: vdM, LSC, calibration-transfer / non-
linearity corrections, instrumental corrections, ...
- long-term monitoring strategy, conceptual definition of CT +
LTS systematic uncertainties
• Description of calibration procedures (vdM scans, LSC,
calibration-transfer, instrumental corrections) & associated systs
• What was achieved; key issues
Overview of CMS luminosity-determination methodology in
Run III, and comparison to Run-II methodology (both pp and HI)
• Global view of
- calibration strategy: vdM, LSC, calibration-transfer / non-
linearity corrections, instrumental corrections, ...
- long-term monitoring strategy, conceptual definition of CT +
LTS systematic uncertainties
• Description of calibration procedures (vdM scans, LSC,
calibration-transfer, instrumental corrections) & associated systs
• What was achieved; key issues
For instance: fitting procedures with challenging scan shapes;
dealing with low-statistics in scan tails; BCID-dependent satellite
corrections; satellite collisions; NF corrections; use of ZDC as
high-statistics L monitor
Include HI-specific contributions from ATLAS & CMS
• Reminder of what was used in Run II, and main results
• brief intro to the new LHCb luminometers in Run III
• possibly some preliminary results for LHCb Run-III luminosity
• mechanisms of generating non-factorization in the proton-density
distributions, and its transport through the injector chain
• optimized beam preparation for vdM beams — how to optimize
factorization already before the vdM fill (e.g. scraping
measurements in LHC at injection to confirm factorization, further
optimization of beam production schemes in the injectors
• collimation in the LHC?
• 2-D vdM analysis
• LHCb BGI results from the NF MD
• 2-D vdM, beam-beam imaging and LRE analyses
• Including CMS results from the NF MD?
• 2-D vdM and LRE analyses
• Including ATLAS results from the NF MD?
• Include some ALICE LRE results if so requested
Summary of the beam-beam papers, with the emphasis on
(i) bb-related vdM uncertainties as currently understood, and
(ii) pending issues
For instance:
• Results of the 2022 beam-beam MD
• New simulation results on Lu/L0 ambiguity
• Interplay between beam-beam & non-factorization biases
• incl. BBQ post-processing updates, tune-uncertainty definition,
possibility of using ADT for bbb tunes
• DCCT, FBCT, BSRL: performance, issues, new developments.
• also: BPTX @ IP1 & IP5, w/ applicable functionalities; BQM
• also: 1-2 slides on planned HL-LHC upgrades of the beam
instrumentation relevant to bunch-current measurements?
• Run-III results and performance to date
• brief mention of plans for further improvements
Moderated by W. Kozanecki
• including the systematic. uncertainties associated w/ DOROS-
BPM performance limitations, e.g. non-reproducibility of the
BPM length scale, their response to beam-beam deflections and
their apparent out-of-plane coupling
• DOROS BPMs: improvements since the start of Run III,
performance, known limitations & issues
• Brief comments about Arc BPMS in the context of orbit-drift
Examples of corrections that could be mentioned:
• LUCID HV adjustments based on Bi calibrations
• LUCID non-linearity correction using track-counting-based L
Examples of systematics that could be discussed:
• CT uncertainty (from TILE/tracks)
• Anchoring uncertainty
• Long-term stability & consistency uncertainty
For instance:
• in pp: Z-, but also J/psi- & Upsilon- counting
• in PbPb: UPC dimuons (CMS)
• in PbPb: photonuclear signatures in the ZDCs
what has LHCB learnt from PLUME (and other luminometers) in
Run III, and how it informs the LHCb strategy for Run 4
experience with FIT in Run 3, and how it informs the ALICE
strategy for Run 4
For instance (under consideration; not an exhaustive list):
• experience with BCM1F in Run 3, and how it informs the CMS
strategy for Run 4
• proposal for very-high µ (µ > 120) fill with a mixture of indivs &
trains (as done in 2016) for characterizing the BCID-dependent
response, and the relative µ-dependence, of the CMS
luminometers (also of interest to ATLAS)
• scouting
• outer-tracker potential for L monitoring in Run 4 (simulation