GSI-CERN Collaboration for MM systems - KN6264/TE

Carlo Petrone (CERN)

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Meeting ID: 384 097 2342
Passcode: 588027



  1. GSI purchase the new motor controller for intergation in FFMM at CERN
  2. Share with GSI team DOI 10.5162
  3. Share stretched wire mechanical design 
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    • 10:00 10:20
      Collaboration GSI-CERN: Agreement
      Conveners: Anna Mierau, Dr Carlo Petrone (CERN)
    • 10:20 11:00
      MM system requirements and anti-cryostats 40m
      Speakers: Frederic Savary (CERN), Matthias Bonora (CERN), Mr Taras Parfylo (GSI), Vasily Marusov, Vincenzo Di Capua (CERN)

      Regarding the ACS controller of type G-901.
      Here are the key points:

      • PI can provide a special cable to connect the ACS controller with the HPS-170 stages.
      • The G-901 controller can be used with the existing HPS-170 stages. However, the 2D mapping currently included in the existing controller would not be available. It would be challenging and time-consuming for PI to transfer the 2D mapping functionality from the old controller to the new one. Do we require 2D mapping functionality in the new ACS controller? As I understand it, the main goal of acquiring the new ACS controller is to integrate it into the FFMM and test the compatibility

      Additional Information:

      • Delivery time: 8-13 weeks.
      • Pricing (4-axis version): approximately €12,000.
      • are the 2D mapping functionality essential?