USC Quantum Computing Workshop
Aula 0
Facultad de Física USC
An introductory workshop with a focus on practical applications related to search and optimization problems. It consists of 3 Friday afternoon sessions on February 28, February 7 and March 14, 2025 from 15:00 to 19:30, and a full day HaQathon on Friday March 21, 2025 from 9:00 till 20:00 to prove the acquired skills. The workshop will take place in the Faculty of Physics, Aula 0, in the second floor.
Quantum Computing will allow, when sufficiently mature, to address problems whose complexity scales exponentially and are, therefore, beyond the reach of classical computing resources.
The advent of fully functional quantum computers is still some years ahead. Meanwhile, a class of strategies have been put forward in order to profit from the available infrastructures.
In this workshop we will show how to make use of those strategies in order to tackle real problems. The program will include both theoretical lectures as well as hands-on sessions. It will end up with a Hackaton where teams will address a particular set of proposed projects.
The level will be introductory and only requisits are basic knowledge of linear algebra and of programming in python.
Attendants will be asked to bring their laptops and install certain software packages to run in local mode. The workshops will be on-site. The number of seats is limited.
The courses will be partly imparted in english due to the nationality of some speakers. In cases where there is no need, they will be given in spanish.
There will be prizes for the winners of the last day hackaton.
- Registration of accepted USC students: from 13/02 till 20/02 2025 (Secretaría Virtual)
Session 1: February 28th, 15:00 -19:30
- Introduction to Quantum Computing (Meijian Li, IGFAE)
- Quantum search algorithms (Juan Santos Suárez, IGFAE)
Session 2: March 7th, 15:00 -19:30
- Variational quantum algorithms: VQE,QAOA (Wenyang Qian, IGFAE)
- Quantum Machine Learning (Diego Beltrán, Sergio Figueiras, Bahia Software)
Session 3: March 14th, 15:00-19:30
- Annealing: quantum and classical (Alejandro Borrallo. Antón Rodríguez, FUJITSU)
- Examples
Session4: Haqathon March 21st: 9:00 - 20:00
This is a full day competition. Challenges will be tackled in teams where tools learned in the workshop will be applied to practical problems. Food and drinks will be served throughout the day. Prizes will be given to the winner teams.
* The workshop is presential. Upon full attendance, students of the following degrees: Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Economics, can obtain 1 ECTS.
El proyecto QUORUM se enmarca en la Convocatoria Ecosistemas Innovación del CDTI y cuenta con la financiación de los fondos europeos Next Generation EU y el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.