1:30 PM
Lévy walk of pions in heavy-ion collisions
Dániel Kincses
(Eötvös Loránd University)
1:32 PM
Energy scan results using Lévy femtoscopy at NA61/SHINE
Barnabas Porfy
(HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (HU))
1:34 PM
Event-by-event investigation of the kaon pair-source function with EPOS
László Kovács
(Eötvös Loránd University)
1:36 PM
3D pion source images in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions with EPOS
Emese Arpasi
(Eötvös Loránd University)
1:38 PM
Femtoscopic correlation functions from EPOS via CRAB
Mátyás Molnár
1:40 PM
Elliptic flow of deuterons in heavy ions collisions
Tomáš Poledníček
1:42 PM
Thermodynamic relations for perfect spin hydrodynamics
Mykhailo Hontarenko
(Jagiellonian University)
1:44 PM
Boost-invariant spin hydrodynamics with spin feedback effects
Natalia Łygan
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
1:46 PM
Event-activity-dependent beauty-baryon enhancement in simulations with color junctions
Lea Virág Földvári
1:48 PM
Review on recent results of J/Psi production at STAR
Jitka Mrazkova
1:50 PM
Open charm meson production in p+p collisions sqrt(s) = 510 GeV at the STAR experiment
Subhadip Pal
1:52 PM
Study of azimuthal angular hadron-Upsilon correlations
Kristýna Šedová
1:54 PM
Extra dimensions in strong gravitational field
Anna Horvath
(Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
1:56 PM
Galactic rotation curves with thermodynamic gravity
Máté Pszota
(Eötvös University, Wigner RCP)
1:58 PM
Gravitation and quantum mechanics: cross modified Newtonian gravities
Peter Ván
2:00 PM
Drell-Yan measurements at low invariant masses with the upgraded ALICE detector
Sahil Upadhyaya
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
2:02 PM
Simulating rotating Newtonian universes
Balázs Pál
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
2:04 PM
Image reconstruction with proton computed tomography
Zsofia Jolesz
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
2:06 PM
First measurement of D0 photoproduction in ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions with CMS
Balazs Kovacs
(Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
2:08 PM
Triggers for exclusive processes with photons and electrons in ultra-peripheral lead-lead collisions in the ATLAS experiment in Run 3
Karolina Domijan
(AGH University of Krakow (PL))
2:10 PM
CMS luminosity measurement for nucleus-nucleus collisions at 5.02 TeV
Krisztian Farkas
(Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
2:12 PM
Performance of the nHCal based on Simulations
Alexander Godal
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
2:14 PM
An overview of the CMS Zero Degree Calorimeters
Kamilla Csengeri
(Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
2:16 PM
Effect of silver doping on optical, structural and electrical properties of SnO2 thin films
Hadjra Ben Haoua
(HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (HU))
2:18 PM
Charged particle multiplicities and their relation to initial state entanglement
Sandor Lokos
(Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
2:20 PM
Gauge field digitization in the Hamiltonian limit
David Pesznyak
2:22 PM
Dirac fermions under imaginary rotation
Tudor Pătuleanu
(West University of Timișoara)
2:24 PM
Anomalous U(1)_A couplings and the Columbia plot
Péter Kovács
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Péter Kovács
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
2:26 PM
Hemida Mohammed
(Fayoum University (EG))