4th Technical Board meeting

Zoom Meeting ID
Gabriella Gaudio
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Minutes 10.1.2025


  • Introduction (GG)
    • Discussion on the collaboration board agenda (see slides) 
    • Discussion on the Resource Survey
      • Shown available example
      • Some comments raised:
        • Add also status for Milestone (even if for internal use.) Some keyword could be “Reached”, “On time”, “Delayed”
          • Add comment with reason for Delay
        • Add a column (for internal use to indicate if the M or D is different from the initial proposal 
        • Define the possible keyword for the funding. E.g. “Funded”: money are enough for complete the project; “Partially funded”: money are enough for partially complete the project. More funds are needed. “Planned/proposed”: the team has proposed the project but the funds are not yet secured.
  • WPs report
    • No news from WP1 and WP3
    • WP2 has moved the ALLEGRO Ecal to 30.6 - 2.7 in Prague, to avoid conflict with the DRD6 collaboration meeting 
    • WP4: Proposal from the Pisa group to develop a programmable adder for the calorimeter. For now informal discussion
  • DRDx contact report
    • Katja reported that DRD8 is still under formation, but it looks like they are mail interested in light mechanics for the inner detector and cooling. If we need a our own WG is still to be understood. 
  • Marc-Andrè reported that we’ll soon launch a call for logo and another call for website support. 


Next meeting on Friday 31st January at 3PM CET

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Gabriella Gaudio (INFN-Pavia)
    • 15:10 15:30
      WPs organization status 20m

      where do we stand with the organization? Is there any critical aspect requiring attention?

    • 15:30 15:45
      Report From other DRDs 15m

      is there anything critical you see in other DRDs we should look at urgently?

    • 15:45 16:05
      Update on the WG organization 20m
    • 16:05 16:15
      AOB 10m