DD4hep Meeting January 9th, 2025
Present: A.Sailer, M.Frank, T.Madlehner
Link to minutes of previous meeting
Merged PRs
- PR1375: Fix a few compiler warnings (Juan Miguel Carceller)
- PR1368: Fix user analysis test (Andre)
- PR1367: Allow for smartless configuration of volumes in Geant4 (Markus+Alvaro)
Closed PRs:
- PR1381: CI: add LCG_106 and enable EDM4hep for it. (Andre)
- PR1333: Use edm4hep::labels::CellIDEncoding instead of "CellIDEncoding" (Juan Miguel Carceller)
Pending Problems
New issues:
- ISSUE1335: Uniform random picking of points on detector surfaces for noise studies
This problem is linked to #1297 and #580.
- ISSUE1343: want to get a parameter into ddsim SDAction at run time (Sarah Eno)
- ISSUE1369: Create EDM4hep reader for DDG4 (Andre)
- ISSUE1373: Add GeneratorInfo to EDM4hepReader (Andre)
- ISSUE1379: Discussion: Evolution of edm4hep and dd4hep enhancement (Markus)
- ISSUE1382: More useful crash message question (Sarah Eno)
Pending PRs:(no changes since last meeting):
- PR1240: Add multithreading support to ddsim
- PR1304: SurfaceManager: lazily construct surface maps on demand (Leonhard Reichenbach)
- PR1314: Cylinder segment surface (Armin Ilg)
New Pending PRs:
- PR1380: Restore compatibility with EDM4hep 0.10 (Juan Miguel Carceller)
- PR1378: Use standard locations if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ROOTSYS are empty (Andriish)
- PR1377: Use canonical variables for the installation locations of libraries and binaries (Andriish)
==> Idea to have an additional DD4HEP_PLUGIN_PATH and remove dd4hep plugins fdrom the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- PR1376: DD4hepSimulation: pass self to the steeringFile eval (Dimitry Kalinkin)
- PR1374: Do not set or read the color flow for MCParticles from EDM4hep (Juan Miguel Carceller)
- ISSUE1369, ISSUE1373,
PR1371: Read edm4hep (Andre)
- PR1370: Feature celeritas integration (Sakib Rahman/EIC)
Closed issues and fixed problems
- ISSUE1360: Issue with Assembly volume and g4-copynumbers
- ISSUE1361: Controlling Geant4 smart voxelization from the detector constructor
====> CPU speed-up issue from Alvaro
- ISSUE1363: Rotated coordinate system on a measurement surface
- ISSUE1364: Potential Inclusion of Geant4 Kernel Initialization in Per-Event Timing bug (Alvaro)
- ISSUE1372: multiple actions within same subdetector question (Daniel Jeans)
Round Table
Andre: The EDM4hep MC reader was generally accepted.
Markus: Will attempt to investigate update of Geant4VolumeManager after discussion with John. (See attachment in the agenda).
Thomas: NTR
Next meeting: January 23th, 2025
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