ACAT24 Proceedings:
- Total 76 submitted
- 37 accepted (~ 50%)
- 5 to be corrected
- 11 assigned (Jennifer will ping back the reviewers this week)
- 22 unassigned (~ 30%) -- requesting help from the IAC
Side comment: reviewers found a few papers clearly written with AI (a sloppy one) such that helping the authors to provide a better manuscript and avoid rejection takes a long time for the reviewer as there is too much to correct. Discuss how to proceed for such cases for the future. One example is #64.
ACAT25 preparation:
- Jennifer & Chiara sent invitations to SPC candidates (a few already accepted)
- For Gregor:
- Send 1st bulletin to
- Delete old indico:
- Fix inspire:
- For the IAC: propose plenaries here
- For David: add Chiara (SPC co-chair) to IAC mail list ?
- Tentative abstract deadlines: open this week with bulletin, keep it opened for ~ 1.5 months (February 19th) + ~ 10 days extension (March 2nd) --> 1.5 month to review and send confirmation then we are in mid April. Which gives people 4 months to organize the travel.