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25–30 Sept 2011
Miyajima Morinoyado Inn
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Hard QCD

29 Sept 2011, 09:00
Conference room (Miyajima Morinoyado Inn)

Conference room

Miyajima Morinoyado Inn

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Zoltan Nagy (DESY)
29/09/2011, 09:00
Shima Shimizu (CERN)
29/09/2011, 09:35
Andreas Hinzmann (RWTH, III. Physik. Inst. A)
29/09/2011, 10:00
Dr Alexandre Glazov (DESY)
29/09/2011, 10:25
Jeff Temple (Univ. of Maryland (CMS))
29/09/2011, 11:10
Max Klein (Univ. of Liverpool)
29/09/2011, 11:35
Junji Naganoma (Waseda Univ.)
29/09/2011, 12:00
Building timetable...