Jean-Francois, David, Christian, Zoltan, Michele and Beate
19/10/2011, 09:05
Bruno Zumino
(UC Berkeley)
19/10/2011, 09:10
Markus Klute
(Massachusettes Institute of Technology)
19/10/2011, 09:50
Andreas Hoecker
19/10/2011, 11:00
Zvi Bern
19/10/2011, 11:40
Tanya Sandoval Chimal
(High Energy Physics Group-Cavendish Laboratory-University of Ca)
19/10/2011, 14:00
Gheorghe Lungu
(Rockefeller University (US))
19/10/2011, 14:20
Warren Andrews
(Department of Physics-Univ. of California San Diego (UCSD))
19/10/2011, 14:40
Steve Martin
(Northern Illinois University (NIU))
19/10/2011, 15:30
Timo Muller
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
19/10/2011, 16:10
Katarzyna Pajchel
(University of Oslo (NO))
19/10/2011, 16:30
Fedor Ratnikov
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
19/10/2011, 16:50
Joshua Thompson
(Cornell University (US))
20/10/2011, 09:00
Monica D'Onofrio
(University of Liverpool)
20/10/2011, 09:20
Daniel Scott Damiani
(Santa Cruz Inst. for Particle Phys. (SCIPP)-University of Calif)
20/10/2011, 09:40
Ulla Gebbert
(Hamburg University (DE))
20/10/2011, 10:00
David Shih
(Rutgers University)
20/10/2011, 10:50
Maxwell Chertok
(University of California Davis (US))
20/10/2011, 11:30
Jeff Temple
(University of Maryland (US))
20/10/2011, 14:00
Nick Barlow
(University of Cambridge (GB))
20/10/2011, 14:20
Yuya Azuma
(Department of Physics-Graduate School of Science-University of)
20/10/2011, 14:40
Hongliang Liu
(U.C. Riverside)
20/10/2011, 15:00
Markus Luty
(UC Davis)
20/10/2011, 15:50
Vasiliki Mitsou
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)-Universi)
20/10/2011, 16:30
Richard Carl Gray
(Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
20/10/2011, 16:50
Hugues Louis Brun
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
21/10/2011, 09:00
William Quayle
(Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin)
21/10/2011, 09:40
Howard Haber
(UC Santa Cruz)
21/10/2011, 10:50
Louise Skinnari
(Department of Physics-University of California Berkeley)
21/10/2011, 11:30
Roger Wolf
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
21/10/2011, 11:55
Clara Matteuzzi
(Univ. degli Studi Milano-Bicocca (IT))
21/10/2011, 14:00
Pierre Savard
(Department of Physics-University of Toronto)
21/10/2011, 14:40
Eva Halkiadakis
(Dept. of Physics and Astronomy-Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jers)
21/10/2011, 15:50
Lawrence Hall
(University of California Berkeley)
21/10/2011, 16:30