CERN Lattice Coffee

The pion scalar radius from lattice QCD

by Konstantin Ottnad

4/2-037 - TH meeting room (CERN)

4/2-037 - TH meeting room


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We present a lattice QCD calculation of the pion scalar form factor and its associated radii, with fully controlled systematic uncertainties. Lattice results are computed on a set of 17 gauge ensembles with $N_f=2+1$ Wilson Clover-improved sea quarks. These ensembles cover four values of the lattice spacing between $a=0.049\mathrm{fm}$ and $a=0.086\mathrm{fm}$, a pion mass range of $130 - 350\mathrm{MeV}$ and various physical volumes. A precise evaluation of the challenging quark-disconnected contributions enables an unprecedented momentum resolution, particularly on large and fine ensembles near the physical quark mass.

To ensure reliable extraction of ground-state matrix elements at both zero and non-zero momentum transfer, we use a broad range of source-sink separations, $1.0\ \mathrm{fm} \lesssim t_{\mathrm{sep}} \lesssim 3.25\ \mathrm{fm}$. For the first time, the scalar radii are obtained using a $z$-expansion parametrization of the $Q^2$-dependence of the form factor rather than relying on a simple linear approximation at low momentum transfer.

The physical extrapolation is guided by the next-to-leading order expressions of the scalar radii from chiral perturbation theory. The pertinent low-energy constants are fitted from lattice data, leading to the first lattice determination of $L_4^r$. Systematic uncertainties related to ground state extraction, form factor parametrization, and the physical extrapolation are rigorously quantified using model averaging based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).

Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
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Tobias Tsang, Pascal Pignereau, Andreas Juttner, Simon Kuberski, Matteo Di Carlo, Felix Benjamin Erben, Jacob Friedrich Finkenrath
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