9–13 Jun 2025
US/Eastern timezone

This is a training workshop centered around how to use High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools to program FPGAs. The US ATLAS HLS Education and Development (AHEAD) Bootcamp will be held at BNL and will be targeted toward senior US ATLAS graduate students and all levels of US ATLAS postdocs. 

The workshop will include a brief introduction to digital design, how to make best use of HLS tools and understand what HLS code is doing. Participants will do on-hands on excersices to solidify the new concepts. 

More details will come - but save the date and please apply! This workshop will be held at BNL between June 9-13, 2025. 

Note that the registration is really an application. The priority deadline to apply and be considered for the workshop is March 15, 2025.

98 Rochester St, Upton, NY 11973, United States
Go to map

Contact Haider Abidi (sabidi@cern.ch) or Jahred Adelman (jahreda@gmail.com) or the entire group of organizers (us-ahead-2025-organizers@googlegroups.com) for any questions.

Registration for this event is currently open.