Follow Up Target Configurations Discussion

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS (CERN)

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS


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Notes From Target Scenarios Follow-up Meeting

  • Discussed new option of a 25cm diameter, 1.5m W target with a 500mm thick W alloy (with a density of 18.5kg/m3) stepped plug inserted into the proximity shielding and concluded this was a good option. If there isnt much to be gained from having the additional 500mm of W alloy then it can be changed back to iron. It is likely the plug wouldnt require a casing surrounding it.
  • The diameter of the plug would be altered depending on the diameter of the core to ensure it is slightly larger.
  • Latest CAD model has been updated to have 2.24m from front of W target to front of hadron stopper.
  • Diameter of target to be between 250mm and up to 300mm maximum.
  • Positioning of I-beams (structure of vacuum vessel) behind the target isnt important however the vessel must not contain magnetic materials.
  • Expecting to be able to reduce shielding thickness by 1/3 if we use copper however the exact value is still to be determined.



  • Claudia to evaluate thickness and material of plug as well as determine the minimal thickness of shielding required at the rear of the target if copper is used.
  • Evaluate other potential materials for the I beam structure that arent magnetic.
  • Richard to revise if the additional 500mm of W alloy would be beneficial.
  • Create new layout converging everything.
  • Draw footprint of TCC8 transport volume.
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