23 January 2025 to 14 March 2025
Europe/London timezone

Special JAI Student Lectures - Effective Science Communication in Particle and Accelerator Physics

30 Jan 2025, 15:15
Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre (Denys Wilkinson Building, University of Oxford)

Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

Denys Wilkinson Building, University of Oxford


Dr Hector Garcia-Morales


Communicating effectively can make the difference in a selection process for a new position or accessing funding for your project. For that reason, both in academia and in industry, strong communication skills became an essential asset. These lectures aim to empower particle and accelerator physics researchers to communicate their findings effectively, both internally and externally, foster collaboration, and potentially ensure funding and ultimately drive research career success. The first part of the lectures will cover the basic aspects of effective science communication: adapting the message to different audiences and increasing engagement, improving public speaking skills using compelling narratives, and managing uncertainty. In the second part we will put into practice some of the points discussed in the first part, including short pitches, writing exercises, and discussions about ethics and trust in communication. The lectures are tailored to graduate students and researchers willing to improve their communication skills.

Presentation materials