FACET (Forward Aperture CMS ExTension) is proposed to search for Long-Lived Particles decaying in a 1 m diameter 18 m long vacuum tank at z = 100 m, made by replacing a section of LHC beam pipe. This cannot be done before Run 5, but we are developing a proposal called PREFACE to install in Run 4 some tracking, with a calorimeter and a permanent magnet for muons mounted above the beam pipe to look for decays of a dark higgs or other portals to tau+tau-, c-cbar or b-bbar. We also plan to install some Forward Shower Counters in that region for short low pile-up pp, pO and Pb + Pb runs in Run 3.
Michael Albrow,
Michael Albrow
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)),
Mike Albrow
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)